When chickens come home to roost

Lately I’ve been twiddling my thumbs wondering what to blog about. I seem to have exhausted all of the juiciest subjects I can think of. Then just like that I receive a message from a friend saying ‘Did you see the news about Jamelie? She’s fucked now! Haha!’

Really? The hunchbacked old crow who came into the Shoe on occasion? Who’d disappear into her office without so much as saying ‘hello’ to any of the girls there making her rich? Who’d commandeer the cash office so she could skim all of the cash payments without having to record them? Who’d force girls into bookings with threats of job termination? Well, I couldn’t resist the chance to get my justice boner on.

And get it on, I did. Thanks to this article here: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydney-madam-jamelie-lahood-pursued-over-tax-bills-20160427-gogsli.html

I’m not going to bother going into details because the article already does that anyway. What I will do, it give a sort of character reference, if you will.

Jamelie Lahood if scum. If I see her on the street I would spit on her. I cannot say that about anyone else I’ve met. She is nothing but a glorified pimp with poor posture and a hatchet boob job.

In the 2.5 years I worked at Stiletto’s I never once saw her speak to a provider, just the receptionists, except to reprimand and coerce. The exchanges that I recall include the following:

  • During a rather upsetting booking, I ran out of the room wearing only a towel and sat in the stool at the cash office which she was manning. In tears and shaking I said, ‘I can’t do this booking any longer. That man is meanest arsehole I’ve ever met. No one has ever made me feel this low.’ She grimaced and said, ‘Well, you only have 5 minutes left so just put him in the shower then.’ I said, ‘But he won’t do as I ask. Can’t one of the receptionists make him? I can’t spend another minute with him.’ I was hysterical by now. She snapped at me to calm down and that I’d have to do it because the receptionists were too busy. Sure enough, this client went out of his way to take ages to get dressed and showered, treating me to a barrage of degrading insults in the process. By the time I got back downstairs I’d had to work overtime by 30mins. Compensation? Hah! She even had the hide to tell me off for taking so long.
  • I was chosen for a booking 15 minutes before the end of my 10 hour shift. As such, I didn’t want to do it. She yelled at me, ‘Why did you meet then?’ ‘Because I was afraid I’d get into trouble otherwise,’ I responded. ‘Look, I’d be happy to stay for half an hour-‘ ‘But he doesn’t want half an hour, he wants one hour.’ ‘Well, then I can’t do it. I have shit to do tomorrow,’ I said. ‘Fine, then you tell him.’ So I did. He was fine and just booked another girl, no dramas. When I went back up to get paid she told me ‘It’s not up to us to tell a client how long he can stay. In future, if you get booked for an hour, you stay for an hour, otherwise you won’t be able to keep working here.’ That night I learned that I did not, in fact, have bodily autonomy. I also learned that no matter how long I’d worked there, no matter how much loyalty I’d given her, she didn’t care. I was just another cunt with a body attached to it. I was expendable.

I left Stiletto’s after that latter incident and went private.

Providers got fired for seeing clients privately. On paper, they could be fired for engaging i illegal acts: drug consumption, drug selling, providing natural services, inebriation etc. I only ever saw providers fired for seeing clients privately. Every single one of the 20 rooms in the place had cocaine mirrors.

Another known practice was withholding money from providers. We all had to do 10-hour shifts. Exceptions were extremely rare. Most brothels pay their providers per booking after taking their cut. So they’ve been paid upfront for the booking, essentially. Stiletto’s didn’t pay their providers until the end of their shift. If they needed/wanted to leave early, tough titties for her because management wouldn’t be paying her until she was scheduled to leave. If she left when she wanted to, she’d be leaving empty handed. Hmm, making a provider work without paying her? Yep, that’s sex slavery.

On that note, we were forbidden from charging extra for COB and licking balls, as well as charging more than $200 for anal. Again, so much for bodily autonomy. From a business perspective you may say this is good practice. But these are our bodies in the end. What happens in and on them should be left up to us, not management.

Jamelie used to record everything. All bookings. So even if a provider wanted to take them to task, all Stiletto’s would have to do was threaten to hand over everything they’d recorded to the ATO. This is how they got away with it.

At one point, Stiletto’s under Jamelie fancied itself like a sort of MI5 institution. One girl I knew told me she left when management asked her to spy and report back to them what her friends were up to in bookings, their personal lives etc. Her parting words to them were ‘This isn’t the Pentagon. It’s a fucking brothel. You guys need to get over yourselves.’

I also know for a fact that rapes against providers by clients occurred under Jamelie’s watch and management were unhelpful, at best, in one ensuing police investigation. One victim told me that she was drugged and penetrated in every orifice by a regular client. When she told management she was sacked and had the entire contents of her locker handed to her in a garbage bag. Another victim went on to detail her ordeal in a bestselling novel.

Jamelie being chased by authorities for the millions of dollars that she owes does give me quite the justice boner, yes. But considering the full-scale of shit that went on at Stiletto’s under her watch, that she was complicit in, it’s a semi at best. Now if Jamelie were to be prosecuted for violating IR laws, violating prostitution laws and/or sex slavery, well, that would give me a justice boner the like of Ron Jeremy would be jealous of.

NB***: I would like to stress that my only gripe is with Jamelie and the management under her, not Stiletto’s itself.

From what friends who are still working there tell me, conditions are much better under the new management. Unlike past managers, the current manager has no investments in Stiletto’s. She is a salaried employee. Therefore she has no incentive to work the girls hard, coerce them into bookings they don’t want to do and tell them what they can and can’t charge for extras.

And judging from what clients have told me, quality of service has been on the up since Jamelie and Eddy left. Probably because the providers aren’t being treated like shit.

I would happily go back to work for Stiletto’s. It’s just that circumstances don’t permit me at this point in time.