Why I’ve returned

To those of you who have just stumbled across my blog, welcome and be sure to peruse my backlog of entries as they remain as true to this day as they did when I wrote them.

To those of you who have been following me for the past few years, you’ve probably noticed my tendency to disappear and reappear at short notice and I feel that I ought to explain myself.

Most people work in the sex industry on an on/off basis for numerous reasons. The first one being, because we can. Even in brothels and escort agencies we are essentially sub-contractors or sole operators which means we have no employers to answer to. There’s none of the ‘Two Weeks Notice’ and contract agreements one finds in regular jobs. (That said, there’s also no superannuation or worker’s comp either. Bear that in mind if you find yourself thinking we earn too much.)

Other various reasons that pertain to me include traveling for months at a time, focusing on my studies and becoming burnt out. Burn out is another thing altogether with its own set of factors. When it comes down to it, I don’t believe that anyone with any insight or empathy would suggest that us hookers have an easy job, at least not in the long term. However it’s not the job itself that’s difficult. I like sex and conversation and the job enables me to get those two things on my own terms. And thanks to the legalisation of prostitution I can rely on the police to aid me if need be (which I have done before when I’ve been faced with stalker issues.)

The hardest part of the job for me is the stigma and the secrecy that comes along with it. It requires me to lie and keep secrets- two things I’m not good at. The longer I work the more these lies build up and weigh on my conscience. Sooner or later the weight becomes too much to bear leaving me no other option but to take a break.

Over the five years I’ve been in the industry these breaks have ranged from 2 weeks to 9 months.

The reason I am able to take long breaks is because escorting isn’t a career to me. I just escort because I can, because it makes sense for me to make the most of my looks and freedom while I can. At this stage, I don’t depend on it for my livelihood and my priorities lie elsewhere.

Of course I should reiterate that this does not affect my level of service, but it definitely affects my availability. I moved to Perth 2 years ago with the specific purpose of starting my escort business and I adjusted my lifestyle to suit. I was in a position where I was working from home and studying from home- I had no reason to leave my house except for grocery shopping and the gym. Thus I was able to offer much greater flexibility than I can now, with full-time studies and part-time work on my plate.

At this stage I’m not exactly back to square one, but I am starting out again still in some way. I’m playing it by ear at this stage but if the worst come to worst, I might have to go and work in a brothel where I can clock in, work 8 hours, then clock off. I’ll be sure to let everyone know if that happens.


7 thoughts on “Why I’ve returned

  1. Hello Lyla,

    I am glad to see that you have returned, I have always enjoyed reading your blog posts. They have always been very insightful and thought provoking to me. I hope your busy schedule will allow you to post more regularly in the future.


  2. Perusing the internet, I stumbled across your blog(ok, actually I found it through your reddit account lol). I’m a very sex-positive person(you probably couldn’t tell that if you ever met me because I’m very reserved and introverted person), but I just love reading escort/sex worker blogs for some reason. It gives me insight into a very unique profession. I even thought about using an escort(at the age of 23, I still have my V-Card unfortunately). I just wish sex workers in the USA(where I’m from) had more protection, and were less marginalized and shamed by society. Anyway, I hope you continue to post because you have a very insightful perspectives on things and I would love to hear them 🙂


    • Well, thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and alert me to the fact that my blog can be traced through my reddit account (did I post a link somewhere?)

      Your predicament is not uncommon, and not really much of a predicament in the grand scheme of things. Just try not to put sex on a pedestal.

      You strike me as quite an empathetic young man. Thanks for contacting me.

      Lyla x

  3. Yeah, you posted your blog in one of your earlier posts. But anyway, I frequently remind myself to not put sex on a pedestal. Society likes to put a lot of pressure on guys to have sex, which somehow is inexplicable tied in with one’s masculinity. At the end of the day, sex is just sex, and it doesn’t define you as a person.

  4. Glad to hear you are well, there was definitely a level of concern when you left Perth/stopped working so abruptly last time

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